The Sower.

Once upon a time there was a young hero named Link who lived in the Kingdom of Hyrule. One day, Link decided to leave the comfort of his home and venture out into the world in search of adventure. As he traveled, he casted a handful of magical seeds into the wind, each seed representing a different path in life.

The first seed fell on the path, but was quickly trampled by the feet of passers-by, the second seed fell among the rocks and was scorched by the sun, the third seed fell among the thorns, which choked out its growth, and the fourth seed fell onto fertile soil, and it yielded a bountiful harvest.

Link smiled in delight as he realized the true power of the seeds he had sown. He had learned a valuable lesson about the importance of where one chooses to plant their seeds. For if one plants in the right soil, it can produce a great reward.